Episode 89 : A Conversation with Scott Kelby

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I am extremely excited to share this conversation with Scott Kelby.  Its not all about feeds and speeds and we spend our time talking about photographic education, what works, what trends are growing and the power of being together while learning.  I am very appreciative of Scott's time.

I will apologize for the inconsistency in my own volume in this episode.  Since the last episode, Apple updated Logic Pro X to v 10.4.1 and Skype was also updated.  My side of the Skype conversation was a bit soft and I was only able to get things better during the recording.  

You may also hear a tiny bit of garble on Scott's side, such is the nature of Skype, sometimes you get delays which produce such transients.  

I've made the MP3 at a lower bandwidth to keep the file size reasonable and while I think that the overall sound quality is very good, acknowledge that the bit depth is less than normal.